
My ideal job

My ideal work, I don’t know maybe it would be watching TV all day and someone pays me for that, but that is so unreal, and also it is useless for the humanity, and for that I think it is not something to do the whole life.

Now talking seriously, my ideal work would be to work in a psyachiatric hospital, in the experimental area doing research about schizophrenia and the personality disorders, maybe to find some cure or a better method for the treatments of those disorders, and giving a better quality life to people who have this problem. The ideal part of a job for me would be to help others with their illnesses and see the good results of a treatment, to live through with the patient all the progress of the recovery.

The only thing that I need to do this work is empathy and th enough sensibility to understand the patient’s problems.
I think that I have these abilities, so I would be good for the job if I have the opportunity to do it. Because it is difficult to find a job like that because investigation in psychology is difficult to do because I need a lot of money to do it, but working in a clinic is not so difficult so I will start to do that when I finish the career.


My favorite subject

I think my favorite subject is psychopathology because I love the class and the contents of the subject are very interesting for me. Some contents of this semester were personality disorders, perception disorders, delirium and schizophrenia. It was very interesting when the teacher did the delirium class because he told us a lot of examples about clinical cases that he personally saw in the psychiatric hospital; also he imitated some patients for us, so we could understand what he said.

Other interesting thing about this subject was the visit to the “El Salvador” hospital. We visited the psychiatric area of the hospital, but not the place where they have the patient interned. We had some classes in a classroom inside the hospital and the teacher sometimes brought patients to the class. One of them called Eliza did the class, but she talk about herself and her delirium, and explained us her life and why she was interned. That was very rare, but necessary because reading about the disorders is not the same as seeing them. And we must be prepared for the future, therefore we must confront the reality and see patients, not only read or listen about them.


Ken Robinson talk about creativity and education

In the video mister Robinson talk about the education's system and the mistakes make it for the schools connect with the creativity, Ken explains that arts and music are devaluate for the schools whom brings more importance to the mathematics and the humanism, and exist consequences for that, serious consequences for the future, this consequences are a less development of creativity because mister Robinson says, the people are afraid of making mistakes and the errors are stigmatize in this age, well in all of them, but if the people aren’t prepared for the mistakes, never can be original and the creativity will not develop for the system, many kids lost the creativity capacity, and who has the fault?, the family?, maybe sometimes, but Ken says the fault is in the education, it is because they don’t teach that commit mistakes is good, not always of curse, but the mistakes are good for the creativity and his development.

And this problems in the education are universal, it occurs in the entire earth planet, why says Ken that? Because in all the countries the subjects are the same, the important subjects are mathematics and language, the second one are the humanism and science and the last ones are the arts, this is not good for the creativity development, the arts as important as mathematics or science.


My future??

Hi again people today I'm going to talk about my future...

I would like to be doing in five years more, I am not sure but I think I would like to work in a psyachiatric hospital, doing research about schizophrenia and the personality disorders, maybe find some cure or a better method for the treatement of this disorders, and giving a better quality of life to the people who have this problem.

Also I hope I can be working in a clinic, see patients with personals problems or mental disorders, I would like to have a personal office without schedules or any boss.

And personally I would like to have an engagement with someone (I hope with my actual couple), maybe live together in a big apartment in other country sush as England for example, I would like to have a little dog or some kind of animal, I don't know, I only hope to be happy.

Also I would like to travel to Europe and Asia with my couple (and dog...=D), and visit a lot of museums and historical places, go to Egypt and see the pyramids, and I'd like to visit the stonehenge monument in England, maybe live in a city close it.

this it my ideal future, well it is only a hope....

see ya.