
Vacations!!!... in the ancient Egypt!!!!!!

Hello mortals, I'm William again, this time I will tell you about my vacations, the last vacations I remember when I was human, so many time ago, so many years ago...

I remember that day very well, me and my family were in the house preparing the trip, we wanted go to Africa, but we don't had a specific place,so my father called Alexander, taked a map and choose a place at random, and you never imagine what place apears...Egypt, well like you kwon I`m a very old been ,so we did visit the actual egypt like you know, we visited the ancient egypt... the piramids, gizah, the sphinxe, the desert, all of that... it was amazing...well me and my family were there in two centuries ago.

My family, they was my father Alexander, my mother Jilian and my Little brother Angel, the four traveled to egypt, it was a really long trip because in that century, the locomotion was very slow...

In egypt we visited all the monument there, like the Gizah's piramids,Pharaonic Cairo, The Temple of Luxor,The Tomb of Ramses Vl and the Sphinx, well and a lot of piramids, but a don't remeber his names, we walked in the sahara desert, I don't remember very well but I think that we stayed with a family who recived turist in ther house, they were very nice people with us...

Well I don't has something remarkable, because all was remarkable, the piramids and the sphinx..was beautiful...all the contructions were so big and majestic... I enjoided so much that vacations.

The weather, this is a curious quiestion because we were in the desert so it was really hot there...
Really, really hot...and that is something I never forget, because was one thing that I can't controled and did't allow enjoy completely the trip, and obviously I hate the sun, remember I'm a vampire...

That was my last vacations...

See ya

by Marcela Díaz.

My best friend!!!

Totti.... Yop....Cony...XD...

Hi again, today is me how tell a story, not William my vampire friend...

Hi people, my name is Marcela and today I will talk about my best friend... Yohisy, she lives in La Serena, I come from there, but I decided study here, but she decides study there for stay with her familly, she study parvulary education in the Universidad de La Serena.

Totti (how her friends call her), I met her thirteen years ago in the school, in first grade, she was my best friend for the begining, and since this day we are inseparables, well I met her so many time a go so I don't remember the exact cirscunstance, but I guess is was really childish, but the first memory I have about her is when she saved me from a really big dog, I was really afraid and she helped me a lot and since that time I never be afarid for a dog.

mmm, my dearest memory about her, this question is very dificult because we are friend so many years ago, so we have a lot of memories, so let's see, maybe was when we traveled to Argentina in our school trip, we have to slept together because there aren't more rooms and the hotel gived us a big room for the two only, we have a really good time together and with our others friends, the only problem was in the morning when we have to wake up, because she never wanted take the shower first and I had to get up earlier all days.

I like some tihings about her, she is a great person and very nice, and the best thing about her is that she knows me better than myself, and give a lot of good advices, she really solve my life sometimes, I like her personality, she is very calm and quiet, she don't talk much with other people but with me and ours friends she talk a lot, and she have a extrange hability to tale jokes I laugh for hours, when I stay with her. Also she have a dog called Master, I like him too, is very crazy and fun, one day we was in her house and the dog was in the back ground, the was playing wiht a rat!!!!, and ate it, Totti hold the dog and me take out the small animal of him mouse,that was rally unpleasant....

I think that in all this years had exist a lot of things that dislike about her but, I always learn to live with her and her way of being, may be her timidly bother me sometimes because I had to talk for her in a lot of situations, and I don't like that...but now she is in the university so timidly is over. other thing a lislike about her is her fanatism for the soccer team Universidad de Chile, is really unpleasant sasty with her when the team lose a game.

Aventure???.... I don't know we always prefer stay in home and wath tv so we did'n have a greatest aventure... maybe was the day when we scape for the school and don't go to sports class and the teacher look us in the mall, that was really bad luck, but we was really good students so, wwe don't had any punishment for that, only our reputation of good studentes was stained.

I envy her dog, I want one and muy mom don't wanna have one, T_T, but doesn't matter because she shares his dog with me...

If I could, I would give her, the futball team Universidad de Chile, she is really fanatic of futball and " la U" is her favorite, she died for them.

I have a lot to tell about aur friendship but the time is over...

maybe some day a tell you more.... if you want....

see ya!!

~~Vampire Memories~~

Hello mortals:

My name is William, my surname, I don't have one, a lost it so many time ago, I was born in 1782, during the ilustration century, yes I'm to old for been a human like all of you, and probably you know that I am a Vampire, yes we exist... even before the human kind was created, even before the moon childs was born.

My age: 227 years old, I die when I had 26 years old, and I have this age for 227 years, I lived in so many places around the world, but my favorite place to live is Finlandia, because is very cold and the sun don't disturb my peace.

Exist so many leyends about me and my kind, but a lot of them are false, like the sun, the sun don't kill us, just weak us, why we do not like, all the leyend about the church and the holly water there are all fake, but there is something that is true, the vampires drink blood, human blood, that strengthens us and avoids our dead...

During the 18 th century I live in Europe, most of the deaths was because of me and my vampire family, Selena the vampire that creartes me, teach me how hunt and don't be discover for the resto of the people... is not nice been pursued for a lot of angry people who think you are a monster, I know may be I am, but I don't want to be seen like a monster anymore...

I wanna be a...

This is other history, may be someday I tell you about that...

~~Vampire Memories~~


Marcela Díaz